Friday, 26 July 2013

Tapped on the shoulder by a recruiter? Not sure what to say or do?

5 easy tips on what to say next time a recruiter taps you on the shoulder.
Some people react negatively when tapped on the shoulder by a recruiter, for various reasons: unfamiliarity, you're busy, you're not interested in another job, you don't like recruiters and so on.
Others see it as an opportunity to verify their market value or market positioning or an opportunity to further their career. And between these extremes there is a whole group of intermediate reactions.
Thinking about it at the most fundamental level, being tapped on the shoulder means that a recruiter has been researching people in your industry and come across your name, most usually as a result of a recommendation by one of your industry peers. This is a good thing as it marks you out as a probable superior performer–and it means that you are recognised.
Tip 1 –Take the call with an open mind and take down the recruiter's details for future reference. You might not be interested today, but who knows what anyone's future employment prospects can be. You may want to contact that recruiter sometime in the future.
Tip 2 –Before you answer any questions, try and get as much information about the recruiter as you can, so that you can verify their credentials. You want to make sure that the person you are talking to is legitimate and an industry specialist.
Tip 3 –Once you are comfortable with the recruiter find out as much as possible about the role before you answer any questions yourself. Don't be afraid to ask questions, a good recruiter will not be troubled by your questions, besides it confirms your interest.
Tip 4 – If you consider the described role is suitable / interesting, let the recruiter ask questions, answering them as openly and honestly as you can. Just as there is no place for exaggeration in a written resume, there is no sense in not being honest and straightforward with a recruiter.  An honest initial discussion with your recruiter can develop into a long term career management relationship.
Tip 5 – Finish your conversation with relevant questions, such as timing of future appointments. If you are interested in the role, make sure that you indicate this to the recruiter. Studied indifference for example will most likely put the recruiter off.
Like most things in life, an opportunity is only any good if you seize it. So the next time a recruiter comes knocking, seize it as an opportunity to learn and, perhaps, progress your career.

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