Monday, 30 July 2012

Thank You...

Saying thank you can help you get a second bite of the cherry.

In this busy world it is all about maintaining your visibility, and saying thank you gets you noticed.

Everyone likes to be thanked and most of us when thanked look upon the person thanking us a little more favourably. As a recruiter, it has happened to me that when I have been thanked that I have given someone a second chance that they may not have ordinarily been given. I figure that someone showing that extra bit of thoughtfulness is likely to be a better candidate.

By thanking I don’t mean just the normal thanks that we customarily give each other when we meet and which is a social necessity. I mean the thank you which means going the extra distance, for example taking the time to send an email of thanks, writing and posting a note or sending a card.

It is also an area in life where we can brighten another person’s day, by the simple act of saying thank you for your time.

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